How to Make Your Cat Less-Resistant to Bathing


When it comes to the best kind of pets to keep, animal lovers have many options. Cats rank high on that list, and it is not hard to guess why. Cats can be exciting to keep because they can be obliging and sly at the same time.  

It’s also amazing how they can be easy to feed and seem to enjoy an affinity with humans. There is only one problem – cats and bathing!

Having a bad experience during a cat bath can turn your feline friend into your temporary enemy. You can also end up sharing the bad feelings of your cat throughout the time your pet throws its tantrums.

But once you see some of these secrets, you can say goodbye to cat bathing cat-titudes and cat-lover heartbreaks. Let me show you how to make your cat less resistant to bathing:

Why Do Cats Hate Water?

To know how best to make your cat less resistant to bathing, it is first important to understand why most mousers seem to hate water.

Felines have earned the nickname “neatnik” because they are famous for their cleanness since they can naturally maintain their freshness. Thanks to their sharp paws, teeth, and tongues without much human help.

However, the trouble comes when your cat picks up some sticky, smelly, harmful substance from playing around or from an adventure chasing some smaller or animal around.

If you are like most cat-lovers, you would most likely want to pick your feline and bathe them at such times in order to remove any parasites or potential exposure to infection. Normally, you may experience some struggle at this point, so don’t panic.

It's nothing personal if your feline starts to kick and fight when you are trying to bathe them. It is because they hate water. But why? That also is simple – most household cats do not like getting their fur wet, and for a good reason, part of which is the fact that it may take a long while for cat fur to dry.

Also, it can be really uncomfortable for cats to have wet fur because it makes them slower as a result of the heaviness that settles on them. Hence, your cat can be vulnerable to predators in that condition.


How to bathe your cat like a pro

The following tips will guide you on how to bathe your cat without stressing yourself or hurting your cat:

1.Toenail trimming

In cat bathing, you may want to protect yourself first. Your kittie cat will use their claws when removing dirt or facing a real or perceived enemy. That includes you, especially when they are upset while you are bathing them. 

So, one of the best practices for a cat bath is to trim your pet’s toenails. That slashes your risk of finishing the bath with an infected bruise or wound.

2.Perform Cat Fur-brushing

Cats will usually shed their coats to keep clean and get rid of dead hair. It, therefore, helps them to capitalize on their practice by keeping their hair clean.

But if you do not practice this, it can help to brush through fur knots and tangles. Also, try to brush your cat in order to remove any loose or dead fur. To better prepare them, consider placing cotton balls in their ears to block out any water.

3.Keep your cat bath gear within your reach

Cut out another potential source of cat stress by putting your cat bath gear near you before a cat bath. Get your cat shampoo, towels, brush and comb set, rinsing container, and so on.

Also, grab your rubber mat if you have one so you can reduce your feline’s chances of slipping. Then you can go to the hard work of catching your cat.

4.Timing is everything

A successful cat bath can rise and fall on your timing. Some people may advise that you prepare to catch your cat, but there may be no need to put in that extra effort with good timing. Try to schedule your cat bath to a time when they are less energetic, say after they have played for a length of time and want to take a nap. 

Understand, however, that no matter how little your cat resists a bath, they would still not want to be in the water. That would mean that the least you could do is to make it to reduce the discomfort as much as you can.

5.Stabilize your cat

The same way humans wish for some stability when bathing, cats also want some support for their stamina during a bath. It can be a challenge for your cat when they cannot stand easily. 

Hence the need for a rubber bath mat to support your cat. If you are lucky to have a friend around or can ask for one to come over, the easier the bathing process will be.

6.Know what bathing technique works best

Most cats would not go through immersion easily. If your cat is that type, then a pour-over method will be effective and ease your process. Also, you can use a hand sprayer or plastic bailer to scoop and pour some water over your cat’s body until the whole fur is wet. 

7.Wash off all Soap

If you wash a winter coat without rinsing it free of laundry soap, your task is not complete. It isn't much different when washing your smart feline. Make sure that you wash off all traces of soapiness on your cat's fur. By doing that, you would be avoiding any remnants of flakiness on their fur.

8.Don’t forget to do a face wash

There may be times when your cat needs their face cleaned as well. At these times, avoid pouring water over them directly.

Also, do away with human-type shampoos in case your shampoo licks. Exercise great caring when working around your cat's ears and eyes with a damp cloth.

9.Keep your cat company

Saying soothing words like “I love you,” can make all the difference. If, while you are bathing your cat, you observe your cat any breathing difficulty, wheezing, or growling in your cat, you may want to stop bathing them instantly.

I hope you now see that though it will take some effort to bathe a cat without much resistance, you can still succeed. If it helps, go over the tips that will help you in this process multiple times so that your cat bath will be less stressful for you and your cat. 

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