You Can Get Into Trouble for Not Picking Up Dog Poop

If you are a responsible pet owner, you understand why it is important to pick up your dog's poop from public places. Unfortunately, this isn't the case for some. Many people intentionally or unintentionally avoid picking up their dog's waste. Whether they forget or are in a rush, it's still dangerous to leave it in public. There are various reasons you should always remember to pick up your dog's poop. Have you ever stepped into dog poop while heading for an interview or a date? Maybe you did not notice at first, but when once you step into your car, it starts to stink. Well, this happens to a lot of people, and it is embarrassing. So, if you do not want your dog to be the reason someone has a miserable day, make it a habit to clean up after your pup is done. In this article, we will discuss some reasons why you should always take away your dog's poop and some tips on how you can do so. Let's get started:
1. Dog Poop Doesn't Act as a Fertilizer
One of the main reasons some dog owners don't pick up their dog's poop is that they think it will fertilize the plants. Why? That's because of the common belief that cow poop acts as a fertilizer. Unfortunately, dog poop does not work in the same way. The notion that dog poop benefits flowers and the grass is a misconception because both these animals have different diets and digestive systems. Consequently, their feces affect the soil differently. Cows feed on grains and grass, while canines are carnivores. Therefore, their waste matter is also different.
Dog food is high in protein, which makes their waste acidic in nature. Furthermore, it contains microbes and pathogens. These organisms can wash into rivers and lakes, thereby contaminating them.
2. Dog Poop is Harmful to Water
Besides dogs, all animals' waste affects the water supply. We can be responsible citizens and remove dog poop from the sidewalk and the grass. But you're probably wondering how fecal matter affects the water supply. For that, you need to understand the chain reaction. When you don't clean up after your dog, their waste winds up in the streams, lakes, ponds, and other local water bodies. This happens because rain and snow wash away the waste.
Upon decomposing, the poop releases nutrients. This leads to excessive growth of weeds and algae, making the water green, smelly, and murky. Over time, as the weeds and algae increase in size, they crowd up lakes and streams, preventing people from enjoying activities such as boating, swimming, and swimming. Not to mention, the algae can negatively affect any aquatic life inside the water.
The feces include pathogens that can cause numerous diseases. These bacteria enter the body when people drink the water or swim in it. So when you don't pick up your pup's poop thinking it will only affect the person accidentally stepping into it, you're wrong. It can negatively affect wildlife, plants, and humans.
3. Follow the Pooper Scooper Law
Yes, that's right. There is a law to ensure that you are a conscious and careful citizen. Many cities in the US follow a pooper scooper law. If you do not abide by the law, you have to pay a fine. The law is meant to hold dog owners accountable by fining them for not cleaning up after their dogs. Besides the US, many countries have their own version of this law. In Madrid, if your dog poops in a public park, the authorities put the waste in a box and send you via mail. Sure, rules are not as extreme everywhere, but in many cities, you'll have to pay a fine amounting to thousands.
4. Think for it in the Long Run
Picking up your dog's poop can seem like a hassle, but considering the effects of not doing so can help you stay on track. Think about it this way: giving up two minutes of your time can help the environment avoid bigger problems. Ultimately, doing so will benefit you and your community. Keeping your yard and lawn clean will help your home stay odor-free. When you keep your backyard clean, you don't have to worry about your guests stepping in dog poop when you host a party. Furthermore, your children can play in the park and enjoy outdoor picnics. Overall, you play a part in ensuring a clean and safe environment for you and your children.
What is the pooper scooper law
Because of the way animal feces negatively affect the environment, the government put a law in place. Keep in mind that the drainage system carries litter, including waste, into rivers, streams, and creeks. Many people use water from these sources. When dog poop washes into these sources, algae and other microorganisms contaminate the water. These organisms can be a threat to humans and fishes. To protect the environment, many cities around the world follow the pooper-scooper law. According to this law, "Every person owning a dog should remove their dog waste from the gutter, sidewalk, street, and any other public area. They should dispose of it in a legal manner". If you do not abide by this law, the authorities can issue a fine. NYC was the first city to implement the pooper scooper law in 1978. Afterward, numerous major cities started to adopt the same law.

Tips for Cleaning up Dog Poop
1. Pooper Scooper Cleaning Tool
A dog pooper scooper is a common tool to pick up your dog's waste. This product comes in different forms and materials. However, you need to find a comfortable option. This tool will save you a lot of time as you do not have to bend over to carry the poop. Another benefit of buying a pooper scooper is that you can use it with a single hand. This tool is durable and rust-proof. Cleaning the waste with a pooper scooper is convenient, so you can clean up your lawn in minutes. This cleaning tool includes a clamp at the bottom, which you can open with the help of a handle at the top. Once you collect the poop, you can release the handle to close the clamp.

2. Dog Poop Bag
You can place a bag dispenser on the lawn or around your house. This will make the cleaning process easier. Placing these bags in the park or in an area with many dog owners will prove helpful for dog owners. You can carry these sanitation bags while on a walk with your dog. This way, you can collect the poop and throw it in the disposal bin while walking around.

3. A Newspaper
If you do not want to use a plastic bag to remove the waste from the ground, you can use a newspaper. Newspaper is an easy dog care tool that you can carry along and use anytime. Not a fan of collecting newspapers? You can also carry paper bags or sheets. This is a biodegradable and eco-friendly alternative to plastic.
4. Flushing Dog Poop
Flushing poop down the toilet can also help. However, many cities prohibit flushing your dog's waste down the toilet. Therefore, check with your local guidelines before doing so. You can either use tissue paper or newspaper to pick up the waste and flush it. Many people use plastic bags, but this is a terrible option that can end up clogging your drain. The best option is to use a dog pooper scooper and drop the poop in the toilet.
5. Indoor Bathroom
If you own a smaller dog or you live in a bigger home, you can solve this problem with a simple alternative. You can simply include an indoor dog pad and train your pooch to use it as a toilet. This way, you do not have to worry about transferring the poop from outside the house to the disposal. You need a lot of space for your dog's personal indoor bathroom. You can use a potty training spray to train your dog. Keep in mind that this option can be expensive.
To conclude, you need to understand how annoying and unpleasant it looks when you do not clean your dog's waste. Sure, it's a bit of a hassle, but it's your responsibility as a citizen and dog owner. If you want to avoid paying a fine for leaving your dog's waste in public, purchase a pooper scooper or keep some sanitation bags on hand while you're outdoors with your pup.
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