Your Dog is Probably Suffering Joint Pain Everyday


If your dog has arthritis or some form of joint pain, you know it's not easy for them to get around. They may be in pain, and they may limp or seem stiff when they walk. As their best friend, this is beyond heartbreaking! If your furry friend has arthritis, there are things you can do to help make their life easier! On this page, we will break down all that you need to know and can do to help your dog's joint pain.

How dog joints work: main differences from humans

A dog's joints are similar to humans, and dog arthritis is treated similarly as a result. Just like humans, dogs have cartilage at the ends of their bones that helps to cushion them when they move around. This means dog joints can get bony wear or tear on them like human knees would when we bend them back and forth for years. 

Since our furry friends cannot talk, joint damage isn't always apparent like it is in humans. However, dogs' joints will still eventually become inflamed and sore, or they might walk with a limp. This means they may even lose mobility or have trouble with stairs. 

If your dog is starting to show signs of dog arthritis, they may become stiff or have trouble getting up after laying down for a while. Their joints will also start feeling sore, and their movement becomes slower as well. This means it's time to talk to your vet about dog arthritis relief!

What is dog arthritis?


Dog arthritis is a condition that occurs when dog joints become inflamed and it can be hard to diagnose. It may happen due to old age, overuse of the joint, or an injury like dislocation. Arthritis in dogs will cause them significant pain, and their mobility usually becomes worse as time goes on without dog joint pain relief. 

What are the Different Kinds of Dog Arthritis and Dog Joint Pain? 

There are different types of dog arthritis and joint pain that can affect dogs. Some large dog breeds like golden retrievers and German shepherds may be more susceptible to dog osteoarthritis than others, a type of degenerative joint disease in humans that also occurs in dogs.

Panosteitis is another kind of dog arthritis where the growth plates on the end of bones stop growing as quickly, or they start breaking down - this will cause dog joints to become misaligned too, making it hard for your pet to move around.

Finally, canine hip dysplasia (CHD) affects many different types of breeds when they start growing as puppies. This condition typically causes them pain when walking because one side doesn't bear weight evenly. 

What Should I Look for to Diagnose Dog Joint Pain?


Dog arthritis symptoms can be hard to detect, but some dog owners may notice their dog's joints become stiff or sore. They will also have trouble getting up from lying down and they'll start having difficulty with stairs as well! Your vet should perform a physical exam on your dog to diagnose dog joint pain.

Dog Breeds that Are Most Likely to Have Arthritis Problems?

Certain dog breeds are more likely to have dog arthritis than others. Some dog breeds like German shepherds, Labradors, and Rottweilers may be at a higher risk for canine hip dysplasia, which can cause joint pain too!  

As we mentioned, larger breeds tend to have a higher likelihood of getting arthritis than smaller breeds. This isn't to say that joint problems don't occur in small-medium size breeds, though. They do! Therefore, families of our bigger friends should take a higher level of caution.

What is Degenerative Arthritis in Dogs? 

Degenerative arthritis (also known as dog osteoarthritis) is a dog's body response to inflammation that leads to the degradation of the joints. It can occur in any dog, but some dogs are more susceptible because they have predisposing factors like genetics or injury from trauma. Dog osteoarthritis will cause your dog joint pain and stiffness as time progresses treatment. 

How Should Dog Owners Care for their Pets with Dog Arthritis?

Typically, there are two ways that you can go about helping your dog with arthritis. Right from the get-go, though, you should purchase them a nice new bed with lots of soft fluffiness to help them relax their paws and joints to the best of their ability each night. 

Then, you can either consider helping them naturally or through professional treatment with a veterinarian. Below, we will cover each of these methods of treatment in further detail. 

How Can I Help My Dog Get Relief from Their Joint Pain Naturally?

If you don't want to use medications like NSAIDs that cause gastrointestinal issues, try natural remedies instead! Pineapple, for example, has bromelain that can help dog joint pain, and lots of dog owners have reported good results from using the herb turmeric as well. 

Help your dog by taking them on walks, changing their diet to dog food for joint pain relief, or adding supplements like glucosamine in the dog's water. You can also use heat therapy and ice packs too! Massaging dog joints is excellent because it not only feels good but also helps loosen up that tissue.

If you want a more at-home treatment, though, you can apply essential oils like lavender to help soothe the discomfort from dog arthritis (always do this when they're awake). Talk to your vet about physical therapy exercises too - some would be better suited than others depending on what type of dog arthritis they have. 

As mentioned, though, the first thing you can do to help your dog naturally is to get a nice new dog bed for them! This way, they can stretch out their paws on a softer surface than they have been accustomed to before!  

Common Methods Of Treatment For Dog Joint Pain

Keep in mind that dog pain relief may need to combine multiple treatments like medications and therapy. Here are some of the common forms of treatment that will be recommended when you take your dog to the vet for dog joint pain.

1. Medications

Your vet might prescribe dog arthritis medication for your dog if they have chronic symptoms, severe joint inflammation, or complications such as heart disease. Don't forget about supplements either - glucosamine is an easy option because it's safe to use with any other pills (it also has a good effect on the joints). Some vets will recommend using NSAIDS, too, but these can cause unpleasant side effects, so talk to your vet first!

2. Physical Therapy 

Physical therapy exercises are great for dogs to maintain their mobility and strength while healing from surgery or helping them adjust after being inactive due to illness or injury. It's also an excellent treatment for arthritis in dogs because it will help with the dog's mobility and get their muscles back in shape. 

3. Massages

Massaging dog joints is a very beneficial activity for them that can relieve pain, loosen up tight tissue, decrease inflammation from arthritis in dogs - all while making your pup feel more relaxed! Just make sure to do this when they're awake so you know what's working on where (dogs may not like massages if they think it hurts). 

4. Diet

Changing dog food or adding supplements into your pet's diet are effective ways of managing joint problems as well. Some dogs might need glucosamine or omega-three fatty acids, which you can find at any local vet office - just be wary of giving too many dog arthritis treatments!

Tips for treating arthritis in dogs

Some dog arthritis treatments can be given by your veterinarian, while others should be left to you. Take care of them at home with things like supplements and diet changes - but don't forget about dog joint pain relief medications too! Here are some tips to keep in mind while treating arthritis in dogs.

  • Try to keep dog joint pain relief natural to avoid side effects.
  • Dog arthritis medication is a common option.
  • Dog joint pain can be managed with physical therapy or massages
  • Don't let your dog jump up on furniture. Instead, install boosters and stairs. 
  • Try not to force your pet into any positions that he doesn't want to be in.
  • It may take a long time before you see any improvement from treatment.

Some dog owners need help treating arthritis in dogs - so we hope these dog joint pain tips are helpful. The dog must be comfortable to heal correctly, so get their new bed ready and start taking them on walks today! If your furry friend has chronic symptoms or complications such as heart disease, talk to your vet before deciding on a treatment method for dog osteoarthritis because there are many options.

Final Words of Encouragement

As dogs start to age, it is more and more common for things like dog joint pain and arthritis in dogs to occur. As their loving parent, though, you should be on the lookout for a way to help your doggie. At the very minimum, remember to get them a nice new fluffy bed for resting their joints. Give them lots of love and assurance along the way that you will be with them every step of the way. We sincerely wish you and your canine with dog joint pain the best while going through treatment.

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